Grade 3 - Hans Christian Andersen

This year was the most memorable because we have field trip and my first communion. 

 My communion. Joined different private school with some of my classmates.

Conception Church for my communion. 

I can be an engineer someday!

Maybe checking the valve???

A scientist maybe???

United Nation Day! Dancing with all the boys!

Ma'am Jen birthday. Giving our gift plus picture taking!

Nutrition Month! I am wearing real vegetables on my head, and it is heavy!

Christmas gift-giving!

Teacher Gab - our English teacher. 

Teacher Ina - our Science teacher.

Dreamworks! Fun and exciting experience!

I do not like to post picture here but my mom want it.

Art in Island. Some of the paint looks real

My castle! hehehe

Mighty Aizen! Just like Thor!

Hey monkey, help me! Do not just look at me!

A huge foot that can squeeze me!

Fun Day!

Aside from enjoying different activities and field trip. I am also part of the academic honors!

Showing different moves of my classmates.

United Nation performance

One of my happiest years during elementary. I attended two field trips in a year. Aside from that, I cannot believe I got third-ranked overall.