Grade 6 - Benjamin Franklin

 This is our second year of online class. I am thankful that our school is thinking about our safety and continue having online class. 

One of our activities is to create a game using PowerPoint.

We also have e-games during our foundation day! I used Beatrix as hero. Sadly, we lost but we enjoy playing.

We also create a music video using PowerPoint.

One of our projects, where we create a presentation for Christmas and New Year.

One of the activities in our Filipino subject is to do a reporting about birds. Using PowerPoint as my means of presentation improves my skills in presenting.

One of our activities in Science is to create a Respiratory System using plastic bottle, balloons, straw and tape. 

First time to sing and compose a song. I am not a singer nor a good dancer, but I am doing my best to perform. I hope you like it!

As graduation day comes, I want you to know how much I appreciate being a student in our school these past few years. I learned so much valuable wisdom from you. To all my teachers, you are all so patient and affectionate. Thank you so much for molding each of us and being fabulous teachers. I’ll see you on graduation day! Yaaa-hoooo!!!

Teacher Isaac, All my teachers, Admin, Ma'am Jen, and all the Staff

Take Care and God Bless Us!